Thursday, July 29, 2010

38 week check-up

I did go to the doctor last week, but had nothing to report so skipped the blog post.  I went back again today.  Everything is still checking perfectly.  I have a total weight gain of 23 pounds, which is great.  My goal was between 25-35 pounds.  The doctor checked my cervix.  I am dilated a finger tip (less than 1cm) and 60% effaced (thinning out).  I have not felt any contractions, but he said I may start to have some.  The baby is at -2 station, so he is moving into the pelvic cavity, but still pretty high.  I still feel like he sits at the top of my belly and tries to climb my ribs.  He is head down like he is supposed to be.  There is no way to predict when labor will start, but they do not like anyone to go more than a week overdue.  If it doesn't come naturally, I will be induced at a week after my due date.  Nothing scheduled at this point, but it is a possibility.

I still feel good, but I finally am starting to get uncomfortable.  I have started to have some back pain and sciatica, but have been able to manage it pretty well.  The baby is very active (which is good), but he is starting to kick very hard.  I feel like my belly is so big it gets in the way, and I ripped another pair of pants this week when I bent over.  I feel tired all of the time now, and it seems any little activity makes it worse.  Seems like a lot of complaining, but I am glad I made it to this point before I have had any problems.  I am still loving it.  I am planning to work up until the day he decides to arrive and then get to take more time off with him before I go back to work. 

I think we finally have everything we need for him so we are ready in that aspect.  It has been fun for me to watch Cory put baby things together and learn how to work them.  :-) We are a little nervous at this point, but getting very excited for him to arrive. 

I go back to the doctor next week.  They will check my cervix again at that appointment.

1 comment:

  1. I am sorry that you are starting to get uncomfortable but it won't be much longer before you feel much better and are officially a mommy! I am excited for you guys!
