Tuesday, March 16, 2010

First movements

I felt the baby move this morning for the first time that I was sure it was the baby.  I have been so anxious about feeling it, I have felt some things, but haven't been sure it was the baby or just my normal digestive movements.  I was laying in bed not ready to get up yet when I felt it.  It literally felt like someone poked me from the inside.  Very different feeling, but very exciting!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

17 week check-up

I went back to the doctor today.  They measured my belly and listened to the baby's heartbeat and said everything was good.  I am back to my starting weight, but the doctor is not concerned. She just said I will gain eventually.  With the exception of having strep throat last week, I am feeling great.  I do seem to get tired easily, but we're hanging in.

My next appointment is currently scheduled for April 2, and we will have another ultrasound.  Hopefully we will find out the baby's sex then. Be sure to take the poll before we find out!