Monday, May 17, 2010

28 week appointment

Another check-up today.  I think it is a good thing that there is not much to report.  Everything is still measuring well.  It took the nurse a while to find the heartbeat because he kept kicking the doppler.  I guess he did not like being poked on.  I haven't gained any more weight so still at a total of 10 pounds. 

Cory and I have been working to get the baby's room ready.  We finally have everything cleaned out except for a few things left in the closet.  We put the crib together over the past weekend, so we are starting to get prepared.

We have not decided on a name yet.  I have started a list of names I like, but am having trouble narrowing it down much.  It is so hard knowing he will be stuck with whatever name we give him for the rest of his life.  Such a difficult decision to make.

It seems like the time is starting to go faster and faster.  I now have to start going in for check-ups every 2 weeks.