Thursday, June 17, 2010

32 weeks

We are now at 32 weeks and I went for another check-up today.  Another uneventful visit, but I know that is a good thing.  Everything is still perfect.  Mt blood pressure, the baby's heartbeat and my belly measurement.  I gained another 2 pounds, which is exaclty what they are expecting.  I go back for another check-up in 2 weeks. 

Less than 8 weeks left at this point, we are getting both excited and a little nervous.  I am still feeling good with the exception of being hot all of the time.  Other than that I am loving being pregnant.  The baby is very active, and I love to sit and feel him move.  A lot of time I can even see my belly moving around, which makes me laugh.  I am also getting excited about my baby showers coming up soon.  I know they will be a lot of fun!

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

30 week check-up

A very uneventful appointment.  The doctor told me I was perfect! I'll try not to let that go to my head.... But the baby's heartbeat was good, my blood pressure was great, and my belly is measuring perfect.  I have gained a total of 15 pounds at this point, which is also great.  From this point on, I am expected to gain 1 pound per week.  I go back again in 2 weeks for my next check-up.